Wednesday 26 February 2014

The Table

My friend took me to the Quay Arts Centre last night to watch 'The Table' as a birthday treat.  This was a production by a company called Blind Summit and consisted of a trio of puppeteers operating a two foot high puppet called Moses.  He had a rag doll body and an intricately crafted cardboard head.  I spent much time pondering how to create it using mathematical nets! Moses performed on, and sometimes above or under, the table. The purpose of the show was apparently to tell the story of the last few hours in the life of the biblical Moses; this was interspersed with much improvisation and general hilarity. I laughed until I cried at points! The puppetry was superb and the puppeteers clearly knew their craft. One disappeared for a while and was temporarily replaced by a very able young man from the audience. An old man sat next to my friend, and as far as we coined tell he didn't crack a smile all the way through the show.

After the main performance the audience were invited back to view a performance that was in the early stages of production; this was a life-sized puppet of a man called Patrick. Patrick was a failed bass guitarist and somewhat dilapidated and .... odd. Yes. He started off as a young man giving au monologue about cancer being caused and cured by water and gradually aged.  This became gradually evident as the monologue progressed (increasing age was mentioned), and then his hand went back to rub his head and his hair fell back revealing a sparsely thatched scalp. Patrick's position on his chair became more upright and less lounge, but stooped like a tired old man.  I thought it was good, but rather disturbing. Not sure I would pay to see it.

After the theatre we headed for the pub, imbibed some booze and had a jolly good catch up! A good night out.