We tagged along on this walk as we needed some fresh air (and had sponsored someone doing the whole of Walk the Wight!). We left the car in a field near Alum Bay, and waited with many other families for the free bus to Freshwater Bay, where our part of the walk started. Walk the Wight itself begins in either Bembridge or Carisbrooke and involves walking or running along the spine of the Island, 26.5 miles in total, in aid of the
Earl Mountbatten Hospice). We met our friends and off we went! The walk starts at Freshwater Bay, heads up Tennyson Down to the Tennyson Monument, where everyone sits down for a drink and a nibble as it's quite a steep climb, then headed across the down towards the
Needles Battery. The downs were covered in flowering gorse bushes, and the occasional purple flower (vetch, possibly). However the wind was howling and rain was heading our way so we didn't hang about. We came off the downs at the Battery, and headed downhill to the finish at Alum Bay. This, unfortunately, now has a horrible 'pleasure park' full of over-priced attractions, which rather spoils the end of the walk. Ah well, we weren't forced to spend any money, and got away with giving the children one ride on the carousel (£2 for a couple of minutes...). Walked back through the woods to the car, warmed up a bit then drove home.
View towards the Needles Battery |
Flowering Gorse |
View towards Alum Bay |
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