Saturday 12 March 2016

Symphony Orchestra March 2016

Off to Medina Leisure Centre I went this evening, for a concert by Isle of Wight Symphony Orchestra, arriving with about a minute to spare due to my poor timing. However, I had already bought a ticket and found my seat easily.  On my arrival the ticket checker asked 'Are you on your own?' to which I replied 'Yes', and received the reply 'Never mind dear, there's plenty of company inside'. I wasn't quite sure what to say! Surely plenty of people go to concerts on their own - I can't be that unusual! Most of the tickets had sold, but I had most of a small row to myself and was able to spread out. Bliss! I don't enjoy being cramped up with people I don't know.

The first half had two pieces of music; the first was 'Scherzo Fantastico' by Suk which I thoroughly enjoyed. Suk is not a well known composer apparently, but this was an interesting piece and kept me entertained throughout.  The second piece was 'Four Last Songs' by Strauss with the soloist Jane Streeton. This was performed well by the orchestra, and Ms Streeton had a beautiful voice, but it wasn't really my cup of tea.

After the interval, during which I ate a delicious Minghella ice cream, the orchestra played 'Symphony No. 3' by Rachmaninov. This was performed exceptionally well and I enjoyed every minute of it. I will endeavour to attend their next concert as I have enjoyed both concerts I have attended recently, and they are good value for money.

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